Certified Master in Sport Training™

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Discover how the ISCI strength & conditioning coaches excel in several different sports!!



The Certified Master in Sport Training (CMST™) course represent the most rpestigious certification of the International Strength & Conditioning Institute and it is the most complete and practical educational program in the area of strength & conditioning.


To obtain the CMST™ title, the following requirements must be met:

a) Being SSC™, SCS™, RTS™ and SNSE™ certified.

b) Pass the SSC™ and SCS™ exams with a score of at least 85/100.

c) Attending at least one Specialization Workshop.

d) Attending at least one ISCI Internship at Olympic Training Centers.

e) Writing a short thesis on the application of the ISCI system in the training of an athlete or team, for the duration of one season.

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Please refer to the pages of each certification and elective workshops and internships composing the Certified Master in Sport Training (CMST™) certification course.

Also check the EVENTS page for the courses held close to your location.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Registration” tab_id=”1398414528465-5-2″][dt_gap height=”20″][vc_column_text]To register for an ISCI course:

  1. Wire the money for the course to the following bank account: IT 12 U 01030 35990 000000 2526 82 – BIC/Swift code: pascitm1h07
  2. Fill the form underneath to receive a confirmation email

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Cost: € 1500.

Note: CMST certified coaches can teach for the ISCI wordwide.

Credits: 10 SSC, 10 SCS, 10 SNSE, 10 RTS.

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