Plyometrics Intensity Chart
Click on the image to see it clearly. From the book “Periodization Training for Sports”, 3rd Edition.
International Strength & Conditioning Institute
Advanced Strength & Conditioning
Click on the image to see it clearly. From the book “Periodization Training for Sports”, 3rd Edition.
Click on the image to see it clearly. From the book “Periodization Training for Sports“, 3rd Edition.
Dal libro di cui abbiamo co-autorato il capitolo sulla periodizzazione: “Fitness in Soccer”. Grafica di YLMSSportScience.
From the book I co-authored the chapter on periodization of: “Fitness in Soccer”. Graphic by YLMSSportScience.
A Physiological Review of American Football (reprinted with the permission of the author) Danny M . Pincivero and Tudor 0. Bompa Sports Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennyslvania, USA Department of Kinesiology, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Contents Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . […]
Di Emanuele Caratelli, ISCI-Sport Strength Coach, è uno degli allenatori della squadra di powerlifting dell’International Strength & Conditioning Institute. Il nostro team ha vinto il titolo nazionale raw di stacco, sia nella categoria maschile, sia in quella femminile, per due anni consecutivi (2014 and 2015). I nostri atleti hanno vinto un totale di 13 medaglie […]
By Emanuele Caratelli, MSc, ISCI-Sport Strength Coach and ISCI lecturer, is one of the powerlifting coaches of the International Strength & Conditioning Institute powerlifting team.Our team won the raw deadlift National title for both male and female categories for two years in a row (2014 and 2015).Our athletes won a total of 13 medals and […]